Way Tutu Busy Mommies – Meet Courtney Ortiz (courtney ortiz photography)

Every week, we’ll be featuring one fabulous lady that is not only a WayTutuCute.com customer and fan, but also a hard working Mom.  Want to be featured?  Email us and let us know!

Meet Courtney Ortiz, owner and photographer for courtney ortiz photography.  (courtneyortiz.com  courtneyortiz.com/blog)  Courtney is a mother of two (soon to be three) and has been married for almost 8 years.  courtney ortiz photography is a boutique photography studio located in central Broward, specializing in lifestyle photography of children and families.

Q. What made you decide to start your business?
A. courtney ortiz photography will be celebrating 4 years this September.  I was a first grade teacher in my past life.  Having the opportunity to stay home with my first born, gave me the chance to really concentrate on my passion, photography.  It started with a really supportive circle of friends, and just took off from there.

Q.  What is your favorite part about running this business?
A.  Being a small business owner has allowed me to contribute financially to my family, with a flexible schedule that still alllows me to be a mom first and foremost.

Q.  Do you have any tips for Moms trying to start their own business?
A.  Before starting any business, I think it’s important to sit down and make a list of the things you do and don’t want to do as far as business policies are concerned.  If you don’t want to work on Sundays, then make sure you don’t.  Sticking to your policies can be hard at times, but if you don’t, you start to resent your clients, and that’s not good for business.

Q.  How do you juggle the business and being a Mommy?
A.  I’m really fortunate to have both my family and my husband’s family local.  I have people that I can reach out to to help with the kids that I can trust.  This year I’ve also taken on a part time assistant which has helped immensely.  Marisa, has really become my right hand man both with my business and my kids.  If it wasn’t for these factors my business wouldn’t be at the level at which it is.   When juggling a business and kids its really important to stick to my business policies.  I work during the week, and only two weekends a month.  I could very easily work 7 days a week, but sticking to those scheduling policies allows me to be present for my family.  If I’m not going to give myself and my family that time, then I might as well go back to teaching full time.

Q.  What do you find was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
A.  My biggest challenge, and it’s something that I still face is learning how to say “NO”.   Especially when my business was just starting out, I tried to be accommodating to all new and potential clients even if it wasn’t convenient for me.  I never wanted to lose the business.  Being that way really took a toll on my family, my business, and me personally.  Dentists, dr’s, lawyers, etc…. don’t accommodate the schedules of their clients/patients.  You take the first appointment you can get.  There are hundreds of portrait photographers out there.  And the truth of the matter is, there’s enough business for everyone.  And if a client really values my work, and wants to work with me, then they’ll wait for my next available session.  At the beginning of this year, I sat down with my calendar for 2011 and scheduled all my time off.  It has made an unbelievable difference.  I’m actually running my business this year, rather than it running me.  And truly if someone is hiring a photographer based on availability alone, then I’m not the photographer for them.

Q.  Where do you see your business going in the next year?
A.  This year I’ve had the opportunity to delve into some really big commercial work.  I’ve just finished up an AvMed campaign.  So as I look towards 2012, I’d definitely like to do more commercial work.

Q.  Do you have a favorite picture?
A. My favorite picture……I’d really love to say it’s a picture of my own kids, but this was taken at a family reunion back in December 2009.  I was able to capture this group of cousins as they started racing down the beach.  I love the real emotions.  I just love it!

GIVEAWAY:  Courtney has been gracious enough to offer one of our (local South Florida) fans a studio session on September 17 with an 8×10 print.   To enter, visit our Facebook fan page and click on “weekly giveaway” and make sure to “like” Courtney’s new fan page!.

About waytutucute

http://www.waytutucute.com http://www.ibetteraccessorize.com
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4 Responses to Way Tutu Busy Mommies – Meet Courtney Ortiz (courtney ortiz photography)

  1. shannon says:

    Your work is just so amazing! The way you capture children’s personalities is not an easy thing to do, but you do it so well. Beautiful work, Courtney!

  2. Alison says:

    Great interview – I love the advice about family and business, particularly about scheduling time off. Gorgeous photos – Courtney captures children and family beautifully!

  3. rebekah says:

    courtney you are such an inspiring business woman and mommy. love!

  4. Pingback: She's "Way Tutu Cute" | Ft. Lauderdale Family Photographer | courtney ortiz photography

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